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Know that al-Khulafa al-Rashidun means a leader who is guided by Allah. al-Khulafa al-Rashidun was the successor of the Prophet Muhammad. They numbered four people, namely Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Umar bin Khatab, 'Usman bin Affan, and Ali bin Abi Talib. It is recorded in the history of human civilization, that al-Khulafa al-Rashidun are the best individuals who were educated by the Prophet Muhammad. They have proven their prowess and expertise as role models in leadership to build a more advanced Islamic civilization. There are no world leaders today who have produced the building of civilization that can be compared to them.

They have commendable qualities that should be an example for Muslims today. His devotion to religion is unquestionable. His concern for others makes these individuals loved by his people. All of them are people who are loyal to the Messenger of Allah. in times of trouble and joy. They have noble character because they always imitate the character of the Prophet Muhammad.

1. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

Abu Bakr As-Sidiq was born in 573 AD to a respectable family in Mecca two years and one month after the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. His real name was Abdullah ibn Abu Kuhafah. He received the title as-Siddiq after converting to Islam.

Abu Bakr was given the title by the Prophet Muhammad. “as-Siddiq”, which means the right one. Why did he get a title like this? At that time, the Messenger of Allah. perform Isra 'Mi'raj, which is to travel the night from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine and ascend to the sky to Sidratul Muntaha in a third of the night. On that occasion the Messenger of Allah. Allah gave him the task of praying five times a day and night. When this news was conveyed to the infidels of Mecca, at the same time the disbelievers of Mecca did not believe it, they even assumed that the Prophet Muhammad. do lies. However, Abu Bakr immediately confirmed what the Prophet said

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq including as-Sabiqμn al-awaalun, namely the people who first converted to Islam. When he converted to Islam, all his property and life were sacrificed to defend the religion of Islam which at that time was still not developed. With his tenacity and tenacity, he faithfully accompanied the Prophet Muhammad. to always preach the teachings of Islam.

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq was always berated by his enemies for following the religion of Islam. However, Abu Bakr remained loyal even to the time of the Messenger of Allah. When he wanted to move, he remained faithful to accompany him, even though the obstacles he faced were very heavy.

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq has set a good example. He always sacrificed his body and soul just for the glory of Islam. He is also obedient to the teachings of his religion. We who have known Islam since childhood, since kindergarten, have been taught about prayer, about doing good, of course now we just have to practice it in our daily lives. We must believe that if we and others do good, surely this world will be safe and peaceful, there will be no more wars and enmity.

During the time of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq as Caliph, the famous programs were:

a. Fighting those who leave Islam (apostates),

b. Fighting those who are reluctant to pay zakat,

c. Fighting those who claim to be prophets (false prophets).

2. Umar bin Khattab

Umar bin Khattab bin Nufail bin Abdul Uzza or better known as Umar bin Khattab was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad. who is also the second Caliph after Abu Bakr Siddiq.

Umar was born in the city of Mecca to the tribe of Bani Adi, one of the tribes of the Quraysh, the largest tribe in the city of Mecca at that time. His father's name was Khattab bin Nufail Al-Shimh Al-Quraish and his mother was Hantamah bint Hasyim. Umar has a nickname given by the Prophet, namely al-Faruk which means the person who can separate between truth and falsehood.

Umar bin Khattab was a very brave person that he was nicknamed the lion of the desert. Before converting to Islam, he was greatly feared by Muslims because of his cruelty. Likewise, when he converted to Islam, he was greatly feared by his enemies, namely the infidels.

Even though he is stubborn, his heart is soft. He is tough on those who deny the teachings of Islam or those who disbelieve, but he is very gentle with the good people.

When he became a leader, he always put the interests of the people first. He never put his own interests first. In principle, it is better not to eat and sleep on the floor than to eat well and sleep in the palace while the people suffer.

One night, the wealthy Abdurrahman bin Auf was called by Caliph Umar bin Khattab to be invited to go to the outskirts of Medina. "Tonight there will be a caravan that will spend the night on the outskirts of the city, on the way home," said Caliph Umar to Abdurrahman bin Auf.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Because the caravan was carrying a lot of merchandise, we are also responsible for the safety of the goods from being disturbed by nosy hands. So, tonight we have to escort them together,'' said the Caliph.

The invitation was warmly welcomed by Abdurrahman. In fact, he had prepared his body and soul to stay up all night. However, what happened there? It turned out to be different from what he had expected.

When the night was getting quiet, Caliph Umar bin Khattab said to him, "Abdurrahman ... you can sleep! Just let me be on guard. I'll wake you up later if there's anything."

One night, Auza'iy caught Caliph Umar entering someone's house. When the next day he came to the house, it turned out that the occupant was an old widow who was blind and was sick. The widow said that every night someone came to her house to send food and medicine. What was that person's name, the old widow did not know at all. Even though the person who comes to his house every night is the Caliph they admire.

One night, Caliph Umar was walking on the outskirts of the city. Suddenly, he heard the moans of a woman from inside a dingy tent. It turned out that the moaning was a woman who was about to give birth. Beside her, her husband was bewildered. The Caliph returned to his house to bring his wife, Umm Kulsum, to help the woman who was about to give birth. The woman he helped did not even know that the person who helped her was Caliph Umar, Amirul Mu'minin they loved.

3. Usman bin Affan

'Usman bin 'Affan was a friend of the Prophet who was the third al-Khulafa'u ar-Rashidin after Umar bin Khattab. He is known as a wealthy merchant and businessman who is reliable but very generous. A lot of economic assistance was given by him to Muslims at the beginning of Islamic da'wah. He earned the nickname zunnurain which means "owner of two lights." This nickname was obtained because 'Usman had married the second and third daughters of the Prophet, namely Ruqayah and Umm Kulsum.

'Usman bin 'Affan did not hesitate to spend his wealth for the benefit of religion and the general public. He bought a well of clear water from a Jew for 200,000 dirhams which was equivalent to two and a half kilograms of gold at that time. He donated the well for the benefit of the general public. 'Usman also gave assistance to expand the Medina Mosque and buy land around it. He donated 1,000 camels and 70 horses, plus a personal donation of 1,000 dirhams for the Battle of Tabuk which was equal to a third of the cost of the expedition. During the reign of Abu Bakr, Usman also gave wheat transported by 1,000 camels to help the poor who suffered in the dry season.

4. Ali bin Abi Talib

Ali bin Abi Talib's real name is Haydar (lion) bin Abu Talib. he was the first convert to Islam and also the family of the Prophet Muhammad. Ali was the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad. And his son-in-law after marrying Fatimah.

Ali was born to the couple Fatimah bint Asad and Abu Talib. Ali's birth gave much entertainment to the Prophet Muhammad. because he has no son. Prophet Muhammad SAW. together with his wife, Khadijah, raised Ali and raised him as a child. This is at the same time to repay Abu Talib who has taken care of the Prophet since he was small to adulthood. Thus since childhood Ali has been with the Prophet Muhammad.

In his teens after the revelation came down, Ali learned a lot directly from the Prophet. He was always close to the Prophet because he was his adopted son and continued to be his son-in-law. The Prophet's direct education to Ali in all aspects of Islamic knowledge galvanized him into a very intelligent, courageous, and patient young man.

After moving and living in Medina, Ali married the Prophet with his favorite daughter, Fatima. The Prophet considered Ali the most appropriate in many respects, such as the kinship of a kinship family (Bani Hashim) who first believed in the prophethood of Muhammad (after Khadijah).

Ali bin Abi Talib was a very intelligent scientist. Rasulullah said "Anaa madiinatul 'ilm wa 'aliyu babuha" (I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate).

Like Caliph Umar bin Khatab, Ali bin Abi Talib as the last Caliph also has the same nature, intelligent and firm. The process of changing the Caliph from 'Usman bin 'Affan to Ali bin Abi Talib experienced obstacles. There are groups that agree and those who oppose. In a precarious situation like this, Ali bin Abi Talib appeared decisively so that he could solve the problems that arose. This is the expertise of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib.

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